This salt is included in any program of proper nutrition, healing and rejuvenation of the body. She is included in my detox program. Now I drink water with a pinch of salt every day, and in general I eat it constantly. Most people who think about their health, go to the constant use of Himalayan Pink Salt, replacing it with the usual cooking “Extra”, rock salt, sea and other types of salt.
In addition, the Himalayan Pink Salt is multi functional and can be used not only in food, it has well functions. Himalayan Pink Salt is our Health and Beauty!

What is good for Himalayan Pink Salt for health?
Himalayan Pink Salt is widely used in Eastern medicine, the masters of Tibet have long and successfully used the Himalayan Pink Salt in bioenergy, it is popular with doctors in China, it is used by the masters of martial arts of the East.
The list of useful properties of this salt is huge, I will tell about the most important:
Where do you get the real Himalayan salt?

This salt “owes” its name to the place where it was first discovered and then started to be mined – this, of course, is the Himalayan mountain range. It is there that it is mined to this day. Salt mined in these areas is very much appreciated in the world. The reason is that it is there that nature is completely untouched by human activity, and it is precisely there that there is a pure ecology, which you simply cannot meet now, friends? This is also its advantage over sea salt, considering how our seas and water bodies are polluted!
How to use pink Himalayan salt in cosmetology – recipes
Himalayan salt used in various cosmetologically procedures is the most effective means for powerful rejuvenation. And it is not necessary for this to go to beauty salons, everything can be perfectly done at home!
I often clean my face with Himalayan Pink Salt
For this, I use several recipes, share:
The simplest option – after washing it is to apply a bit of salt mixed with simple water onto moist skin and it is easy to massage.
You can mix a small amount of salt with a spoon of sour cream, apply on clean skin, massage and rinse with water. This will be a more nutritious option.
Here is another excellent cleaning and scrubbing composition for the skin: mix egg white with salt, add honey. Apply to clean skin, massage. You can leave for a few minutes. Wash off.
As a result, you will have exceptionally smooth, clean and fresh skin, as well as a visible lifting effect!
Excellent skin care salt tonic prepared independently.
Here are the recipes:
For more efficiency, add honey and essential oils.
Masks with Himalayan Pink Salt are able to perfectly rejuvenate the face and quickly bring the “face into proper shape”.
I love these masks for completely coping with any problems, be it a tired face, dull skin color, reduced skin elasticity and much more: